Tuesday 10 February 2015

CB Art Photography Reviews Performing Ardas

CB Art Photography reviews a number of Sikh traditions so that they are able to capture the most touching moments of a traditional Sikh wedding. One of these traditions is the routine performing of Ardas, a common prayer that they regularly practice throughout their lives as well as a part of traditional ceremonies.


Ardas are usually performedbefore or after a large undertaking, one in the morning and one in the evening. The at-home preparations of Sikh weddings that take place before meeting at the Gurdwara are usually performed in front of the Sri Guru Grath Sahib, a sacred place within the home that is designated for prayer and religious ceremonies.

Ardas are performed throughout the wedding ceremony, usually in groups. The before, during and after of the wedding are all decorated by the routine prayer. As it is described in Wikipedia:


“The Ardās is usually always done standing up with folded hands and is commonly preceded by the eighth stanza of the fourth ashtapadi of the bani Sukhmani, beginning Tu Thakur Tum Peh Ardaas. The beginning of the Ardās is strictly set by the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh and may not be altered or omitted. It appears as the opening passage of Var Sri Bhagauti Ji Ki and is an invocation to God and reminder of the Sikh Gurus.”

CB Art Photography gets excellentreviews for their culturally and technology trained staff of experts who know how to get all the best shots of a wedding without overbearing their presence. 

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